I was a mother on earth.

I was a nail in a Cross and they say
our Lord died on it. I can´t know,
but simply to say what I was
is my song of praise.

I was a moment of happiness
on a face on fire,
they say I´m in Hell.
I just don´t know,
but simply to say what I am
is my song of praise.

I was anguish and despair
and I would have liked
to be peace and be loved,
but just to say what I was
is my song of praise.

I was a hedgehog and a little dome
of piety in the dream of a poet.

I was the lock
that didn´t give way
when two children and their mother
were trying to open me
so as to leave a house on fire.
How I would have liked
to be pliant! But how?
What could I know?
And simply to say what I was
is my song of praise.

I was glass, I was water,
I was fire and rain,
I was the storm and the hurricane,
I was snow and lightning,
I was a quiet smile,
and just to say what I was
is my song of praise.

I was hatred and vengeance
and infertile violence
and we should have been
better tools. We didn´t know how
and now our wound
is our song of praise.

I was love
and what could my tear mean
but my song of praise.

I was two hands together
and perhaps I am now
a speck of dust
in an iron glass,
and to say what I was
and may go on being
is my song of praise.

Translations into English by M.A.Bernat.
I want to thank Sarah Walkerdine for her
revision and suggestions on the translations
of the poems.